Long Island Estate & Probate Lawyers

The death of a loved one is a difficult event, to put it mildly. However, this difficulty will only be compounded if you do not find a competent and experienced team of estate and probate lawyers. Our attorneys actively represent estates before the Surrogate’s Courts of Long Island and all five boroughs. We are experienced in estate litigation and assisting families during their difficult times. Probate does not have to be overwhelming. The staff at all the Surrogate’s Courts are some of the most experienced in the court system and are eager to smoothly administer your estate. We can help. Contact our Long Island probate and estate planning lawyers today to set up a consultation.

Estate Planning FAQ

Q: Why Do I Need A Will?
A: A Last Will and Testament gives you the opportunity to set out exactly how you want your assets distributed. It can set forth who would care for your minor child and who should take care of funeral arrangements. It can eliminate disagreements between your relatives over who gets the property and can prevent the possibility of. unintended relatives inheriting your property. In short, it allows you to provide or not provide for your loved ones according to your wishes.

Q: Does A Will Cover Everything?
A: No, it does not. A will can only direct how assets that you own individually will be distributed. For example, if you own a piece of real estate with your spouse as husband and wife (or as “tenants by the entirety”), your spouse will automatically have sole title to the property after your passing. Likewise, with any property that is held as joint tenants with rights of survivorship.

Q: If I Die Without A Will, What Happens? Does The State Take My Property?
A: If you die without a will, the State has a plan for you. New York State law has set up a pre-determined order for your relatives that will inherit your property if you don’t set out your own plan. For example, if you die leaving behind a spouse and no children, your spouse will inherit all of your assets regardless of any other relatives left behind. If you die leaving behind a spouse and children, your spouse will get the first $50,000.00 of your estate, plus half of the balance of your assets, and your children will split the remainder of your assets equally. This isn’t very agreeable to most clients, because most wish that their spouse receive everything. If you die without a surviving spouse or child, then your assets will be split by your parents then siblings, and then more distant relatives. If you pass on without any relatives and without a will providing otherwise, your assets will be taken by the State.

Furthermore, if you die without a will, you don’t have a say as to who will be the executor of your estate. The executor is the person who carries out your directions in the will. Without a will, the court will appoint an administrator. An administrator has essentially the same job as an executor but carries out the State’s plan for distributing your assets. The administrator is usually a family member, normally your spouse. If no family member steps forward to be the administrator, the job will most likely be performed by the Public Administrator’s Office.

Q: What Are Other Benefits Of Having A Will?
A: A well-drafted will and estate plan can significantly decrease the estate tax burden. Even though the Estate Tax, or “Death Tax” as it is often called, is being “phased out”, couples can benefit from the proper use of using their “applicable credit”, or the amount which an individual may pass free of Estate and Gift Taxes. If not properly preserved, the “applicable credit” can lapse. Practitioners often use what is called a “Credit Shelter Trust” to preserve the “applicable credit” of the first spouse to die. This can be done in a manner that is least restrictive to the surviving spouse.

Overall, it is very advisable to have a will drafted and executed. It will save your family time and aggravation and it will give you control over your assets and the way they are distributed. If you have somewhat of a substantial estate, it is even more important to have a will, for with good planning you can save your family a lot of money in estate taxes. If you already have a will, you should have it reviewed by an attorney periodically, or when there is any major change in your life or in your estate. All in all, no matter what the size of your estate, it is always advisable to consult with a team of estate and probate lawyers as to your best options.

Q: What Is A Healthcare Proxy, And Why Do I Need One?
A: A health care proxy is a document executed by you in which you appoint a representative, or “proxy”, to make health care decisions for you. This document must be executed while you have the capacity to understand the nature of the document. In other words; you must be of sound mind when you sign the health care proxy for it to be effective.

If you do not have a health care proxy and at some point in the future whether through illness or accident, you are unable to make major medical decisions for yourself with regard to health care a guardianship proceeding may have to be brought on your behalf. A concerned family member, friend, or agency involved can petition the court for a guardian to be appointed to make decisions for you. A guardianship proceeding is in front of a Judge. The person who petitions the court has an attorney, the court appoints an attorney to investigate the matter and an attorney may be appointed for you. If the guardianship is granted all of the costs and the majority of attorneys fees will come out of your estate. The costs and fees can be in the thousands of dollars. Executing a health care proxy with a qualified team of estate and probate lawyers now could save your family and friends the time and expense involved with a guardianship proceeding. When executing a healthcare proxy, it may be prudent to also execute a power of attorney.

Q: Why Do I Need a Power of Attorney and Who Do I Choose As My Agent?
A: A power of attorney is a very important document to have as part of a complete estate plan. Should any event or illness occur in your life that leaves you incapacitated the agent that you appoint has the power and authority to take care of all of your finances. Clients often say to me “We own everything jointly, so there’s really no point.” Not true. Very often, when one spouse enters a nursing home, the other spouse wishes to sell the couple’s home. If the couple owns the house jointly and the ill spouse doesn’t have the capacity to sign a contract of sale and subsequent deed, a guardianship will have to be brought on the ill spouse’s behalf. As discussed earlier, the costs associated with this guardianship (court filings, attorney’s fees) can run into several thousands of dollars, plus the time and aggravation of having to go to court to manage property that belongs to you and your spouse. Therefore, it is essential to plan and to appoint an agent who you trust, i.e. your spouse or child.

What scares many clients is the possibility of a power of attorney being misused. A solution to this problem is to have your attorney retain the power of attorney for safekeeping with the instruction to only release it upon your instructions or if your subsequent incapacity is confirmed. Furthermore, the agent that is appointed cannot make gifts to him or herself unless you specifically authorize it.

Q: What Is A Living Will?
A: The Living Will developed quite a few years ago from lawsuits initiated by families who sued medical institutions for the right to put loved ones to rest when there was no reasonable hope of recovery. Because of so many advances in medical science, doctors are able to keep the body alive even if the brain is not functioning. The Living Will is not a will at all, but rather a statement from you that states that if there is no reasonable expectation of recovery, you wish to die with dignity and free from pain. Some lawyers believe that a Health Care Proxy is enough and others do not. Each situation is different and depends on whether you name successor agents and whether the agent(s) you name are truly aware of your wishes

Q: How Often Do I Have to Review My Estate Plan?
A: As clients leave my office after executing a will or a trust, the statement is often made, “Well, at least I never have to look at this stuff again.” No, no no! All the work and time you invest into putting together an estate plan that protects you and your heirs should not be gambled with.

Periodically, you should review your documents to see if they still reflect your goals. In addition, you should review your finances and see that the plans you have made still fit in with the resources you have.

Practically speaking, you should review your estate documents (will, trust, power of attorney, health care proxy, living will) once every two years with a team of estate planning and probate lawyers. Why? Well, your healthcare agent may have moved, an heir may have passed away, items bequeathed to a loved one may have been lost, there may have been a divorce in the family, new grandchildren may have been born, etc. A lot can change in a couple of years.

You have spent time and effort to get things in order and it makes good sense to spend a few hours every two years to keep things that way.

Probate FAQ

Q: What Is Probate, and Why Is It Necessary?
A: Probate is the legal process of proving the validity of a deceased person’s will and administering their estate according to the terms outlined in that will. If there is no will, probate involves distributing the estate according to New York State law. Probate is necessary to ensure the rightful heirs or beneficiaries receive the deceased’s assets and to settle any debts or taxes owed by the estate. Although the term “probate” can sound daunting, our experienced team can guide you through this process smoothly and efficiently.

Q: How Long Does the Probate Process Take?
A: The duration of the probate process depends on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the estate, the clarity of the will, and whether any disputes or objections arise. On average, straightforward estates can take 7-9 months to settle, while more complex estates or those involving litigation may take over a year. Hiring a competent probate attorney can help minimize delays and keep the process on track.

Q: What Happens If Someone Contests the Will?
A: A will contest occurs when an interested party—such as a family member or heir—challenges the validity of the will. Common grounds for contesting a will include claims of undue influence, lack of mental capacity, or improper execution of the will. If a contest arises, it will typically prolong the probate process and may require court hearings. Our skilled probate attorneys are experienced in resolving such disputes, whether through negotiation or litigation, to protect the integrity of your loved one’s estate.

Q: Do All Assets Go Through Probate?
A: Not all assets are subject to probate. Assets that are jointly owned with rights of survivorship (such as a house owned by spouses) or have designated beneficiaries (like life insurance policies or retirement accounts) typically bypass probate. Additionally, assets placed in a living trust are not subject to probate. Understanding which assets require probate is essential for effective estate planning, and our attorneys can help you structure your estate to minimize probate exposure.

Q: Can Probate Be Avoided Altogether?
A: Yes, with proper estate planning, it is possible to avoid probate for many assets. Establishing a living trust, designating beneficiaries on accounts, and holding property jointly are common strategies to bypass the probate process. Avoiding probate can save time, reduce costs, and provide privacy since probate records are public. Our team creates tailored estate plans that streamline asset distribution and eliminate the need for probate wherever possible.

Contact Our New York Estate & Probate Lawyers

The bottom line is whether you’re looking to craft a comprehensive estate plan or need assistance through the probate process, our skilled Long Island estate lawyers are here to help. Contact us today for comprehensive representation, every step of the way.

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